Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I posted Megan Fox's Wonderland cover the other day, here is the full editorial. I love the styling and make-up in these pics. Her look is so fierce and she exudes confidence!!!! And don't even get me started on the clothes and shoes...(sigh)
The fashion editor is Andrew Unwen


  1. that last picture with the cut up dress is awesomeee


  2. If I had her hair, body and jewlery i would be happy(er than i already am) :)

  3. He, that's my favorite dress!!!!!

  4. i can't see some of the images because they get cut off in the blog since they're horizontal. but this is amazing! who is the stylist???
    the accessories are killer!!

    btw, i've never heard of wonderland mag before. :/ jeez. are they available in the u.s.a?
    i love reading good mags so the mag-whore inside of me wants to get an issue of this wonderland. x.
